2011年4月8日 星期五

蘇美島Beach Republic度假村發表私人泳池閣樓與「吃住全包」住房優惠

2009年開幕的Beach Republic,位於泰國蘇美島,擁有39間豪華泳池Villa與客房,現在為了慶祝全新落成的25間豪華公寓(每間都有閣樓),發表「吃住全包」住房優惠。

Beach Republic目前提供9間泳池Villa,5間擁有私人無邊際泳池的閣樓,還有25個公寓套房,房型從Club到、一大床到兩大床都有。客人還可以得到免費享用「The Ultimate Sunday Brunch Club」,這是蘇梅島評價最高的早午餐,並有無限暢飲的氣泡酒佐餐。



圖片提供:Beach Republic

1 則留言:

  1. It seems very attractive! Got an email from Twangoo this morning, today’s deal is 57% off accommodation at Beach Republic! http://www.twangoo.com/jetsetter/en/deal,2288,jetsetter-beach-republic-the-residences
    So I was searching for it on google, a lot of reviews and photos saying how good it is! I would stay in Samui for only 4 nights, so couldn’t use this package but maybe I could purchase the coupons in Twangoo~ Really looking forward to my Samui trip!!!
